Case studies - Events & Conferences

Supercharge your event’s online presence and engagement

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Supercharge your events online presence and engagement

Events provide one of the very best opportunities for your business to create relevant, engaging video content, both prior, during and after the event. Generating greater exposure, and ultimately greater attendance.

Use Verbate to gather a multitude of passionate video from speakers, exhibitors and attendees prior to event day, publishing through their extended social media networks to exponentially grow your conversations, exposure and registrations.

At your next event leverage all that energy and enthusiasm and make the most of the collective experience and insight of your attendees. Create insightful, industry specific videos that media will love, and share.

With video you can:

  • Capture engaging social content
  • Collect rich authentic event feedback
  • Showcase the collective insight and expertise of your attendees
  • Build excitement in the lead-up to your event


Let your guests share the excitement and atmosphere of your events


Tap into the expertise and experience of your attendees to raise your profile

Case study - CeBit 2014

Cebit Australia logo

CeBIT Australia is the largest and most comprehensive annual gathering of industry, government and services in Australasia. This year saw CeBIT double up as Australia’s largest startup event too. With 450 exhibitors and 30k visitors, it packs a punch!

One of the key strategies that CeBIT uses to increase exposure is social proof & engagement via video. They use video as a tool to leverage their advocates, experts, and engage new visitors and exhibitors to the event. A two pronged approach was used for 2014; pre-event video to drive online conversation and buzz, and video from the event for mass social proof.

Pre-event strategy - Creating conversation

CeBIT were challenged with increasing online conversation in the weeks prior to the show, traditionally exhibitors and visitors don't engage online until the day or two before they attend.

The 2014 show had a strong focus on start-ups, organisations with a natural talent for self promotion! Harnessing this power, CeBIT requested each exhibitor to submit a 30 second video through Verbate as to why people should visit them at the show this year. Video submitted was then shared out to CeBIT’s social media daily - both as great PR for the new businesses and to get drive online engagement/buzz/excitement.

Event strategy - mass social proof

The CeBIT team used their army of volunteers to capture 30 second film clips of many of the exhibitors during the event, using just their smartphones. This video was published live to the CeBIT homepage throughout the event. In addition, each exhibitor was sent their copy, hosted on CeBIT’s Facebook page, which they could also share.

Cebit Australia social statistics

See some of cebits videos

Making the most out of your next event with video

Video is a rich and engaging tool for increasing the reach of your next event, through your networks and those of your attendants. Verbate can help you boost your profile and deliver a better more memorable experience.

Mass social exposure

Tap into the atmosphere and excitement at your next event to capture some great social content and to raise the profile of your organisation and upcoming events. Release videos individually or edited together for extra impact.

Collect more authentic event feedback

When you’ve got your audience together let video give you a clearer, better idea of what they thought of your event. Leverage the feedback to improve your events and deliver a better experience.

Showcase awesome collective insight

Industry event? There’s seldom as many experts gathered together than at showcase industry events. What better time to tap into the experience and expertise in your market. Share interesting insight and trends to raise the profile of your organisation and event in industry media.

Build excitement pre-event

Leverage the profile of your awesome key-notes, guests of honour and panel members by capturing teaser videos of them discussing your key theme or topic. Release the videos through your network in the lead up to the event to start the conversation.

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